Shylock is an anti-Semitic term, and I’m getting pretty tired of pointing out Little-Goebbels foibles. Do you think facts and reason should take a back seat to fear and hatemongering?
America is a politically stable, proud and diverse nation. We didn’t relinquish our rights, and you can pray in public. The UN votes with us 31 percent of the time, and that other 69 percent is not surprising since a majority of the UN’s member states are not politically or economically free. Most economists believe in regulatory economics or the “economics of regulation” through the application of law by government. We are watching the end of the industrial revolution. New technologies demand social change and social media will in all likelihood usher in a new type of economy within our lifetime.
We are Americans, and I am unaware of any nation capable of adaptation faster than us. In case you are feeling jittery about enemies ... we have the most loyal, largest, and most effective military the world has ever seen, civilian led and manned, overseen by a free people, so please refer to: Bill of Rights, eternal vigilance, cold dead hands. I’d rather be outnumbered in a fight then have whining naysayers with me to even up the odds.
Richard M. Feit