It is time to love ourselves again as human beings remembering that we are created in unconditional love and divine light by the Creator in the image of the Creator. We are not sinful, unworthy or unloved. Our mission is to unconditionally love the Creator above all else, ourselves, each other, and all of creation as the Creator loves us.
Through prayer and meditation, the Creator continually guides us. We all have direct connections to the Creator. Each one of us is a spark of the Creator. We, including all living beings of creation, are sacred and one with the Creator. When we realize that we are sacred and one with the Creator, we are no longer scared. We know that we are not alone; we are connected! When we are no longer scared, we are no longer controlled by fear.
Our mission from the Creator is to assist the Creator in creating heaven on Mother Earth, not to just “exist” here and “make a mess” while “looking forward to being in heaven” after we leave here. Our mission is here and now.
We need to stop criticizing and judging ourselves and practice compassion and forgiveness. Beliefs in judgment, greed and domination need to be left in the past. Separation is an illusion. This is very difficult for many of us as it is almost contrary to how we are encouraged to think and behave in some societies. It is like there is a double standard involved. Are we here to work together for the benefit of all in loving community or are we here to dominate/exploit each other? Are we here as caretakers of Mother Earth and all of her living beings or as contaminators/exploiters of Mother Earth?
We must work together with the Creator to create a world of unconditional love and divine light here on Mother Earth where all of life is honored, loved and protected. The Creator cannot do this “for us.” We have free will. The Creator an only do this “through us” by our conscious and willing participation. We must do it together.
Carol Ann Kinlicheenie