First off, the sequester belongs to Obama. In order for him to sign the bill to keep the government running, he insisted on the sequester if they didn’t get a budget by a certain day and time. Of course the Democrats saw to it the time ran out.
The Republicans then passed a bill to have the sequester spread evenly throughout every program and agency. Obama, through his usual “I will have my own way or else” attitude, decided where the cuts would be. I have to say the amount was only $85 billion, which wasn’t a cut in the amount the programs and agencies were already getting but a cut to the automatic increase each gets every year without an audit or any oversight. I also have to say I’ve never seen $85 billion go so far, but you know the fuzzy math of the government.
Obama owns the sequester just like he and his fellow Democrats own Obamacare completely. Not one Republican voted for it, so please don’t blame them as it’s falling apart piece by piece. No one knew what was in it, and as Pelosi said, “You have to pass it to know what’s in it.” In other words, shut up and vote this bill in so the government can control one sixth of the economy. Didn’t matter; it really has nothing to do with health care. It’s all about control of the people. Can you hear the sound of the jackboots coming down the street? If not, you will soon when they come to collect from you to pay for it.
Catherine Spencer