Larry Berger just wrote a letter that you published that was so full of inaccuracies, that a response is necessary. Perhaps it is because Berger is so far out on the left end of the political spectrum, that he thinks anyone in the center is “right wing.” Anyone with even a small knowledge of the Constitution would understand that constitutional principles are in the exact middle of the political spectrum, and that is where I see Sheriff Spruell.
Sheriff Spruell is one of the best sheriffs in the country and Montezuma County is very fortunate to have him! Berger certainly has a right to his opinion, even if it is based on ignorance, misinformation and ideological blindness, but the citizens should know that his opinion of Sheriff Spruell is wrong and that Montezuma County can safely know that we have a sheriff that understands the danger that exists in our society and is willing to stand up to it. The only people who should fear Dennis Spruell are drug dealers, criminals and corrupt politicians.
Charles Thompson