I was not surprised at the letters and phone calls I received after writing my feeling about Sheriff Spruell. Living in a conservative community and writing strong negative opinions about a hometown boy, I would expect no less. I respect their opinion and their loyalty. I do not consider myself a “left winger.” I vote for the person not the party. I have voted for moderate Republicans when I thought they were the best and brightest. I also believe that there are very few moderate Republicans as they have become independents. As one former Republican told me, the Republican Party asked why he left the party and he told them the party left him.
As for the person who was wondering about my education level, I went to a good school. I grew up in a small town where people believed in the value of education. We did not have trouble passing bonds for education or teacher pay as we do in Montezuma County. I also went to college after my tour in the Navy and Vietnam on the G.I. Bill — another one of those government “handouts.” I have been a political junkie all my life and follow politics as I know how much it effects our lives.
As for the person who thinks CEO’s are too busy to keep track of what and how their employees spend money, I am 67 years old and have also worked for many organizations and companies. There were always checks and balances.
No one is taking anyone’s guns away. I am a gun owner, trap shooter and hunter. We need some common sense laws and we need to enforce the laws on the books. There are a lot of us who agree with the Forest Service and support their efforts to protect our public lands.
Lastly, about the Journal having left leanings, do you not read the column from the writer from McElmo Canyon or the conservative journalists? If you just want to hear from the right, stay tuned to Fox, Rush and Beck.
Larry Berger