Your July 26 editorial is duly noted. I have a suggestion: Stop parroting The New York Times.
How about an informed discussion of what the causes were for the city of Detroit declaring bankruptcy?
Or the Benghazi coverup. Or the Fast and Furious fiasco. Or the IRS targeting of religious and conservative groups.
Or the so-called “Affordable Care Act” which was rammed through behind closed doors and is now causing massive realignment of full-time jobs to part-time ones of less than 30 hours a week. “A massive train wreck” (Max Baccus). “We must pass it so you can see what is in it’ (Nancy Pelosi). How many people at the Journal are going to become “part-time”?
Or 43 million people on food stamps. Or $100 million dollar vacations to Africa, etc.
Please broaden your scope. There are at least two sides to every issue.
Vincent Young
Editor’s note: The Journal does offer insurance to its full-time employees as part of its benefit package and has no plan to reduce any employee’s hours based on the Affordable Care Act.