What is wrong with this country? This blasting our sheriff, and making mountains out of molehills is nearsighted party bashing! What message exactly do you think you are sending by targeting Spruell for winning a vote?
The actions of the ex-undersheriff are not the worst we have seen from either police force. Not only that but by attacking our sheriff for doing the right thing, in a public and honest manner, is only telling our local leaders it is far easier to cover up an issue and keep it secret. No matter if I like Spruell or not, he did the right thing.
As for you Spruell supporters, don’t pretend you wouldn’t be doing the same gosh darn thing if Spruell didn’t win!
If you parties can’t stop bickering like little children on a long car ride, and come to any agreement every once in a while, this country will never change direction. Now stop the whining, and we may all be rewarded with recovering economy. I am starting to realize why I spent most my life in a drug-addled trance.
Have we learned nothing from Egypt and Syria about how dangerous such division can be?
Colin Kinkade