Everyone in town has been busy doing what they can to improve Mancos.
We've had people busy landscaping on the highway, folks downtown hanging flowers and distributing potted plants, a mural being painted and other working on the trails in our community.
Others have been busy improving the landscape around their business and residential property.
Most recently, a Chamber of Commerce member, Pat Janz from Coldwell Banker/Heritage House Realtors, donated a new musical instrument to the town to be installed in Boyle Park.
A resolution of thanks to Pat Janz for her gracious donation of a musical instrument in Boyle Park was passed on Wednesday, Aug. 14.
WHEREAS, The Town of Mancos' Boyle Park includes life size musical instruments for the enjoyment of children and adults; and
WHEREAS, Pat Janz has graciously donated a musical instrument to add to this collection; and
WHEREAS, Freenotes Harmony Park shall provide and install a "Merry" musical instrument in Boyle Park; and
WHEREAS, The Town of Mancos Board of Trustees wishes to express its sincere appreciation to Pat Janz for her contribution to the citizens of the Town of Mancos; and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE TOWN BOARD OF THE TOWN OF MANCOS, that the Board of Trustees wishes to express its thanks to Pat Janz for her donation of a musical instrument in Boyle Park.
Andrea Phillips, Town administrator said that the new instrument is installed and people are invited to try out their musical skills in the park. She also said that the instrument has a beautiful sound and that the instrument is a welcome addition to the park.
Marianne Griffin is executive director of the Mancos Valley Chamber of Commerce and Visitor Center, 101 E. Bauer Ave., www.mancosvalley.com. Contact her at 533-7434 or chamber@mancosvalley.com.