Durango lands bit role in ‘Between Two Ferns: The Movie’


Durango lands bit role in ‘Between Two Ferns: The Movie’

“Between Two Ferns: The Movie” featured Durango as one of the stops in Zach Galifianakis’ cross-country road trips to interview celebrities. It is unknown if the scene was actually shot in Durango.
“Between Two Ferns: The Movie” featured Durango as one of the stops in Zach Galifianakis’ cross-country road trips to interview celebrities. It is unknown if the scene was actually shot in Durango.

Durango lands bit role in ‘Between Two Ferns: The Movie’

“Between Two Ferns: The Movie” featured Durango as one of the stops in Zach Galifianakis’ cross-country road trips to interview celebrities. It is unknown if the scene was actually shot in Durango.
“Between Two Ferns: The Movie” featured Durango as one of the stops in Zach Galifianakis’ cross-country road trips to interview celebrities. It is unknown if the scene was actually shot in Durango.
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