I am a disabled Vietnam combat veteran and am appalled that our country appears headed to an involvement in yet another unnecessary war. In my informed opinion as a combat veteran, why does our government persist in getting into every unnecessary war that comes along? Vietnam was a civil war, as are Iraq and Afghanistan, and our participation was wrong and very expensive in blood and treasure.
For two years, the Syrians have been killing each other with great abandon and relish, and nobody gave a hoot. Then the overly talkative occupant of the White House made a statement that the use of chemical weapons would be a red line. So we should go to war because he has a big mouth.
My question is, why is it any of our business? To refresh people’s memory, the Iraq war was justified by Bush and his gang because Saddam supposedly had WMD. To this date, none have been found. Going even further back, the Vietnam war was justified by a supposed attack on two Navy destroyers. In hindsight, the attacks probably never occurred. War is not a video game and real people do die. Starting a war is easy; stopping is hard.
William H. Taylor