Sept. 17 marks the 226th anniversary of the signing of the U.S. Constitution. This year, let’s have voters in Montezuma County marking this milestone by finding new ways to connect voters, encourage active citizenship and engage in dialogue.
Let’s challenge anyone who has not yet registered to vote or updated their registration since their last move to celebrate the civic milestone of Constitution Day by doing so. We have local elections Nov. 5 and mail-in ballots to all electors will be sent the end of October. We’ll elect citizens who will make decisions about our local economy, education and health care, fire district and school districts.
Voting is a chance for all of us, especially new voters, to get involved and make our voices heard.
Participate in full force this election season, in voter-registration events, candidate and issue forums.
With such important issues facing our community, there has never been a more important time for all of us to stand up for what matters most to us. Celebrate our Constitution – and our uniquely amazing democracy – by pledging to vote, and asking your friends and family to vote, on Nov. 5.
League of Women Voters of Montezuma County
Jodi Foran