In our government structure corruption is something that is bred by the very nature of the structure of the administration establishment. In the Ute Mountain Ute tribal structure we have one of the most unaccountable administrations in Indian Country. There are no checks and balances because the politicians of our elected council members have direct access to money. More than once I’ve witnessed Preston Corsa, CEO, and Councilman Cuthair, transact of large sums of money in parking lots, behaving like two thieves. Do not be fooled by Councilman Heart’s speech on Thursday, Sept. 26 about poor widowed cattle owners — they receive Social Security, tribal senior pension and cattle money. Do not feel sorry for them; they stay home and make more money than you. Talk about rags to riches.
These council members may have an inadequate understanding of a sophisticated modern system and be unaware of what’s taken place so as a result, corruption exists. It’s time to put integrity back in our administration. Ask the candidates what can they do for the tribe not what can the tribe do for them. Vote for someone new. Do not make Election Day a Groundhog Day.
Rich Lehi