Panthers snatch defeat from jaws of victory


Panthers snatch defeat from jaws of victory

M-CHS gives up 13-point lead in homecoming loss
Panthers receiver Austin Bayles tacks on extra yards after pulling in a catch from John Walck.
Sam Green/Cortez Journal

Ryan Haley races down the sideline for a 91-yard touchdown.
PANTHERS DEFENDER Josh Ramos, right, helps strip the ball and Ryan Gurney, left, pulled in the interception in the end zone to thwart what looked like it would be a Steamboat Springs touchdown. Two plays later, Ryan Haley ran 80 yards for the first score of the game.

Panthers snatch defeat from jaws of victory

Panthers receiver Austin Bayles tacks on extra yards after pulling in a catch from John Walck.
Sam Green/Cortez Journal

Ryan Haley races down the sideline for a 91-yard touchdown.
PANTHERS DEFENDER Josh Ramos, right, helps strip the ball and Ryan Gurney, left, pulled in the interception in the end zone to thwart what looked like it would be a Steamboat Springs touchdown. Two plays later, Ryan Haley ran 80 yards for the first score of the game.