Cortez celebrates 100 years of the 19th Amendment


Cortez celebrates 100 years of the 19th Amendment

League of Women Voters honors right to vote with parade
Local clerks and the League of Women Voters show off proclamations celebrating 100 years of the 19th Amemdment. From left are Dolores Clerk Tammy Neeley, Cortez Clerk Linda Smith, Colorado League of Women Voters President Karen Sheek, and Montezuma County Clerk Kim Percell.

Cortez celebrates 100 years of the 19th Amendment

Local clerks and the League of Women Voters show off proclamations celebrating 100 years of the 19th Amemdment. From left are Dolores Clerk Tammy Neeley, Cortez Clerk Linda Smith, Colorado League of Women Voters President Karen Sheek, and Montezuma County Clerk Kim Percell.
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