City holds council training


City holds council training

New leaders take seats April 22
A Cortez police dispatch operator takes a call Thursday as future city council members toured the police station after a two-hour orientation session with municipal department heads.

City holds council training

A Cortez police dispatch operator takes a call Thursday as future city council members toured the police station after a two-hour orientation session with municipal department heads.
City of Cortez: By the Numbers

1937 - The City of Cortez becomes the tenth municipality in Colorado to adopt a home rule charter, enabling local control over legislative and budgetary decisions.
127 – Number of full-time employees.
54 – Number of volunteers who serve on various boards and commissions.
14 – Number of agencies that utilize the police department’s dispatch center.
80,000 – Number of books at the public library.
153,000 – Number of library patrons in 2013.
123,000 – Number of recreation center patrons in 2013.
650 – Number of brochures available at the Welcome Center.
1,500,000 – Number of visitors to the Welcome Center over the last 25 years.
17 – Number of years without a jury trial in municipal court.
143 – Number of city computers.
194 – Number of city telephones.

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