Outdoors Briefs

Outdoors Briefs

Andy Riley, left, of Silverthorne guides his paddleboard on “Big Sur” on the Colorado River half a mile east of the Grand Valley Roller Dam last week as others in kayaks surf the wave near Grand Junction.

Outdoors Briefs

Andy Riley, left, of Silverthorne guides his paddleboard on “Big Sur” on the Colorado River half a mile east of the Grand Valley Roller Dam last week as others in kayaks surf the wave near Grand Junction.
Briefs policy

The Herald is eager to hear your outdoors-related information, including:
Awards or certifications from profes­sional organizations (not your home of­fice or state/national franchiser)
Free, nonpromotional workshops and seminars open to the public.
We accept good quality head-and­-shoulders photos, in black-and-white or color, of people featured in a brief. Pho­tos will be printed if space permits. The Herald is not responsible for lost or dam­aged photos. Logos will not be used.
Submit your news:
VISIT US: 1275 Main Ave.
BY MAIL: P.O­. Drawer A, Durango, CO 81301
BY FAX: 259-5011
BY EMAIL: herald@durangoherald.com (type “outdoors” in the subject line)
Items will be published as space permits. Publication on a specific date cannot be guaranteed.