Dolores teacher from Sudan releases children’s book


Dolores teacher from Sudan releases children’s book

‘My Beautiful Colors’ draws from refugee experience of Sudan’s civil war
Nyibol Bior, a Dolores High School teacher, recently published “My Beautiful Colors, A Refugee Story,” a children’s book about her experience surviving the Sudan civil war. Bior’s friend Carole Hitte holds the book.
Nyibol Bior, a Dolores high school teacher and refugee of Sudan’s civil war, recently released a children’s book about the lessons learned from the experience.
Artwork in Nybiol Bior’s children’s book about South Sudan shows refugees fleeing conflict.
Nyibol Boir visiting her 100-year-old grandfather in South Sudan.

Dolores teacher from Sudan releases children’s book

Nyibol Bior, a Dolores High School teacher, recently published “My Beautiful Colors, A Refugee Story,” a children’s book about her experience surviving the Sudan civil war. Bior’s friend Carole Hitte holds the book.
Nyibol Bior, a Dolores high school teacher and refugee of Sudan’s civil war, recently released a children’s book about the lessons learned from the experience.
Artwork in Nybiol Bior’s children’s book about South Sudan shows refugees fleeing conflict.
Nyibol Boir visiting her 100-year-old grandfather in South Sudan.
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