Edge of the Cedars archaeologist named employee of the year


Edge of the Cedars archaeologist named employee of the year

Jonathan Till is a long-time archaeologist in Four Corners
Jonathan Till, curator for Edge of the Cedars State Park Museum, teaches students and adults about Southwest archeology. Till was named the 2020 Utah State Parks Employee of the Year.
Jonathan Till, a curator at Edge of the Cedars Museum in Blanding, Utah, explains an Ancestral Puebloan site to visitors.
Museum curator Jonathan Till holds a replica of the Edge of the Cedars “logo bowl,” a 1,100-year-old White Mesa black-on-white bowl. The real thing is on display at the museum.

Edge of the Cedars archaeologist named employee of the year

Jonathan Till, curator for Edge of the Cedars State Park Museum, teaches students and adults about Southwest archeology. Till was named the 2020 Utah State Parks Employee of the Year.
Jonathan Till, a curator at Edge of the Cedars Museum in Blanding, Utah, explains an Ancestral Puebloan site to visitors.
Museum curator Jonathan Till holds a replica of the Edge of the Cedars “logo bowl,” a 1,100-year-old White Mesa black-on-white bowl. The real thing is on display at the museum.
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