Race may tip Senate control


Race may tip Senate control

Debates divide Colorado candidates Udall and Gardner

Race may tip Senate control

Gardner, Udall on issues

The U.S. Senate race in Colorado is filled with politics. But through the noise are critical policy issues. U.S. Sen. Mark Udall, a Democrat, and U.S. Rep. Cory Gardner, a Republican, have a wide range of ideas on topics:
Health care
Gardner: “Obamacare will add hundreds of billions of dollars of debt to the country over the next 10 years. I support making sure that people who have pre-existing conditions have insurance. That’s why I’ve introduced legislation that would guarantee coverage of pre-existing conditions.”
Udall: “We had a rough start (to the Affordable Care Act.) That was inexcusable. We have to make it work for Colorado. ... We’re not going to go back to the old system. Insurance companies ran the show. ... The administration heeded my call for people to be able to keep their plans. But we can’t go back.”
Gardner: “We should support immigration reform. Immigration reform can start with border security. But I believe it’s important that you recognize that when I’m talking about border security, that I’m not just talking about the personnel and equipment ... I’m also including a workable guest-worker program in that solution, that we have fixes to our entry-exit system, that we have fixes to the E-Verify system.”
Udall: “It’s past time we fix our broken immigration system, which is tearing families apart, making it difficult for Colorado firms to find the workers they need, and holding our economy back. We passed a comprehensive, bipartisan bill in the Senate to do this, but the House of Representatives has refused to take an up or down vote on the bill, or offer a solution of their own. That’s unacceptable.”
Gardner: “I don’t think you want Congress in the classroom. This is a state of Colorado issue. It’s a local school district issue. ... Congress needs to make sure that local school districts have the flexibility to use the dollars that they receive from the federal government the way they want to.”
Udall: “When it comes to Common Core, there was a national process, bottom up. A lot of people got involved, and I will respect what the state of Colorado has decided to do, and what the experts in the field ... think when it comes to Common Core.”
Gun control
Gardner: “We should address the issue of these horrible, horrible tragedies that have occurred through identifying them before they occur, stopping and preventing them, making sure that we’re providing the mental-health resources that we need.”
Udall: “Responsible gun ownership is a part of our heritage. ... I’m going to stand up for the Second Amendment, but that doesn’t mean that right is absolute.”

Cory Gardner

Political affiliation: Republican
Key issues: Four Corners Plan for all of Colorado, which focuses on the economy, energy, education and a pristine environment; it’s time for a new generation of leadership that’s accountable to the next generation; an independent voice for Colorado.
Family: Wife, Jaime, and two children
Occupation history: General Counsel, U.S. Sen. Wayne Allard of Colorado, 2002-05; member of the Colorado state House of Representatives, 2005-10; elected as a Republican to Congress
Residence: Yuma
Favorite President: Ronald Reagan

Mark Udall

Political affiliation: Democrat
Key issues: Making sure the economy works for everyone, not just those at the top; recognize that public lands are one of the most valuable resources; work for immigration reform.
Family: Wife, Maggie, and two kids
Work history: CEO of Colorado Outward Bound (1985-1995), Colorado state representative (1997-99), U.S. representative (1999-2009), U.S. senator (2009-present)
Residence: Eldorado Springs
Favorite President: John F. Kennedy