Normally I think discussion of the personal beliefs of candidates for public office is unseemly. However, when those beliefs depart markedly from community norms and values, voters should be alerted. Such is the case with James Lambert, current candidate for Montezuma County commissioner.
At the urging of a friend, I visited the website Lambert claims authorship of the site. The page called “We Believe” is of particular interest. Quoting from that page:
“To implement His plan, God chose a people through unconditional promises to one man, Abraham, to become His servants and witnesses to the world. These people have the primary responsibility to be God’s witnesses to the nations of the world, and to ultimately rule the world with Christ Jesus, the King of Kings. The story of these people ... is the story recorded in the Holy Bible. These people in modern times are represented by the Anglo-Saxon, Celtic, Germanic, Scandinavian, and kindred peoples of the world.”
Yes, you read that right. Lambert says that God’s plan is for white-skinned people to rule the world when Christ returns. I e-mailed Lambert to check and be sure that’s what he meant to say. It is.
The belief that God has picked white people as a special ruling class is not only backward, it’s bizarre. It’s bizarre because people who live in the Middle East – today as well as during the time of the Bible – are dark skinned. Lambert’s belief that people with white skin are favored by God is a contrivance that is dangerously out of sync with the nature and aspirations of our community. To put someone with such outlandish and disturbing beliefs in a leadership position in the county is asking for trouble.
Bob Waggoner