The past decade in this country watching the continuing disintegration of our society and the complete incompetence of our government to handle anything with any skill leads me to realize one is truly on one’s own in this country. This incompetence is highly visible in the non-response of the federal government to the arrival of Ebola in this country. The only way to ensure that no more people come to this country infected with Ebola is either to refuse entry to anyone from an effected country or quarantine anyone from the effected countries for three weeks and if disease free, they go on their merry way.
But, it appears that our incompetent federal government seems to think taking common sense precautions that many countries in Africa have already taken is racist. Disease does not pick and choose by skin color, economic condition, how rich you are or geographical location. The morons in Washington must somehow believe they are immune from contracting Ebola, which anyone should realize is not true.
A government this cavalier with the lives of the entire population of our country needs to be removed in it’s entirety. Elections are not going to be effective doing this. The only solution is found in the Declaration of Independence, second paragraph.
Our federal government in the past decade, both parties, have repeatedly lied about serious events affecting every citizen. Among the many lies are WMD in Iraq, IRS and NSA spying on citizens, selling weapons to the drug cartels in Mexico, the deaths of four diplomats in Libya without any effort being made to save their lives and now Ebola. If you would like to know the true facts about Ebola, go to Wikipeda and read the facts, you will then know these politicians and their medical hacks such as the head of Centers for Disease Control are lying as usual.
In short, your personal health and safety are your responsibility. In today’s politically correct environment you are on your own. The federal government will not and cannot protect you or your family. Good luck!
William H. Taylor