As a past employee of Montezuma County Landfill I believe a response to Lisa Roche’s letter to the editor (Journal, Nov. 11) pertaining to the dismissal of Montezuma County’s Landfill manager is needed. I believe Roche hit the nail on the head with her statement that, “FCRI also has an ongoing agreement with Deb representing the landfill.” I noticed Roche’s emphasis was “with Deb” not with Montezuma County. Sometimes when an individual has been in a position as long as Barton has, things have a way of becoming their agenda and not necessarily what’s best for the people of Montezuma County. From what I understand from talking to the folks at the landfill, the commissioners are looking at other options on handling waste that cost less and do not require the use of the baler to compact the trash. The people of Montezuma County deserve and should expect their elected officials to look into such things. As a past FCRI board member, I would think that FCRI would be relishing the fact that the baler at the landfill could be used for nothing but recycling! This would greatly expand the landfill’s recycling capabilities! One last thought: We elect leaders to lead not to follow, and as a past employee of Montezuma County Landfill, I think this decision was past due.
Tim Bates