I was disturbed to read of the Cortez Journal’s financial policy concerning obituaries. Don’t families who are in the midst of deep sorrow have enough to worry about without their local hometown newspaper taking such unfair advantage of their grief?
To charge $150 to $230 for an obituary is a shameful policy. Local, hometown newspapers have always been an important link; informing, unifying and serving their communities. It seems the Cortez Journal has drifted from this time-honored philosophy in how it is choosing to deal with our community. You should be embarrassed at this policy that only adds an extra financial and emotional burden to families in our community. I understand that the Journal is a business, but this policy is outrageous, unfair and not necessary to keep your paper financially solvent.
Please consider reversing this decision. It is an unfortunate thing when a local business loses its heart toward its own community.
Rev. Kent E. Slyter Sr., pastor
Arriola Bible Church