Fox brings up the rear in march toward truth

Fox brings up the rear in march toward truth

Ratings: True-mostly accurate; Mostly True - accurate but needs clarification; Half True - partially accurate, but leaves out important details or is out of context; Mostly False - contains an element of truth, but ignores critical facts; False-statement is not accurate; and Pants on Fire - not accurate and makes ridiculous claim.

Fox brings up the rear in march toward truth

Ratings: True-mostly accurate; Mostly True - accurate but needs clarification; Half True - partially accurate, but leaves out important details or is out of context; Mostly False - contains an element of truth, but ignores critical facts; False-statement is not accurate; and Pants on Fire - not accurate and makes ridiculous claim.
PunditFact ratings

channel pants on fire false mostly false half-true mostly true true
Fox/Fox News 9% 31% 21% 18% 11% 10%
MSNBC/NBC 4% 18% 22% 22% 24% 9%
CNN 4% 11% 6% 23% 42% 8%

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