Wayne Goodall is Stockman of Year

Wayne Goodall is Stockman of Year

Tammy Russell is Cowbelle of the Year
Doug Aiken bid $5,400 to win a Cowbelles brand quilt. The money will benefit the Cowbelles' scholarship fund. Florence Daley won the raffle for the other Cowbelles quilt.
Tammy Russell, Cowbelle of the Year, gives Joylene Higgins, right, a hug after receiving her award Saturday night.
Wayne Goodall is honored as the Cattleman of the Year at the annual Southwest Colorado Livestock Association banquet Saturday night.

Wayne Goodall is Stockman of Year

Doug Aiken bid $5,400 to win a Cowbelles brand quilt. The money will benefit the Cowbelles' scholarship fund. Florence Daley won the raffle for the other Cowbelles quilt.
Tammy Russell, Cowbelle of the Year, gives Joylene Higgins, right, a hug after receiving her award Saturday night.
Wayne Goodall is honored as the Cattleman of the Year at the annual Southwest Colorado Livestock Association banquet Saturday night.