I am writing to show my disgust for an incident that happened Feb. 6. Southwest Hospital sent an ambulance to my residence in Dolores after a 911 call was placed as my father was having a heart attack. The fire trucks (arrived promptly with no problem and performed their job admirably. I would like to extend my gratitude to them for an excellent and professional job. The Southwest Hospital ambulance crew drove right by the house and had to turn around. Once on my, property one of the paramedics promptly went in to attend to my father. The other paramedic took my wife aside and gave her a mouthful because he claimed we needed a better sign for the numbers out by the road so he could find the house. Though that is debatable, as the sign is two months old, black and white, is clearly visible and measures 24 inches by 9 inches — a size that is clearly larger than most numbers and it has no bushes or trees in front of it. My guess is this paramedic felt like a fool as every other medical vehicle made it to the house with no problem.
There is a time and a place for such discussions, but certainly not when my father is having a heart attack and still on site. I think time would have been better used transporting my father to the hospital. I also would question why this man would choose to go after my wife? Was he not man enough to go to the man of the house? My wife is more than capable of handling her own in any situation but at the time no one was thinking clearly and all, except for this paramedic, were preoccupied with the medical situation. I would like to extend my thank you to the Cortez Fire Department and the doctors and nurses who did an outstanding job assisting my father. They performed excellently. As far the ambulance crew, shame!
Scott Spencer