Obama, the worst president since Bush 2, has started the process of issuing his legacy lies. The first is a real beauty. He says “I wish I had closed Guantanamo Bay my first week in office. ... It’s no who were are.”
But, the Gitmo Gulag is exactly who we are! America is not the land of the free and home of the brave, it is the land of prisons, mass incarnation and cowards who are afraid of whatever Fox “News” tells them to fear. Obama made sure none of his bankster buddies joined the inmate population, however lots of occupy protesters ended up there.
Today’s lie from the desk of Obama is that he intends to cut the federal government carbon footprint by 40 percent! That sounds great except that you could cut the feds’ carbon footprint by 99 percent and they would still be the worlds worst polluter! Look around, see the BIG SUV with federal plates driving 10 miles per hour over the speed limit with one person in it? That person is too busy updating their Facebook status to pay attention to speed limits or the excess gas their bad driving used up.
Accepting environmental leadership from the U.S. government is like accepting abstinence leadership from Hugh Hefner — and diet tips from Tony Soprano. And what about Obama’s signature “accomplishment”? Well, frankly it is a gimmie for private insurance companies, and utterly worthless without a public option.
Obama has overseen the most massive transfer of wealth from the poor to the rich in all of recorded history. And who could forget about the Nobel Piece Prize, awarded to the man who would murder over 1,000 children with his drones?
It’s funny really the Republicans hate Obama so much, so far he has behaved just like them. So much for hope and change. Jeb and Hillary will only strive to be the worst president since Obama. Don’t expect much America, you best days are over.
Nels Werner