Though it saddened me to see James Lambert get elected with his racist and anti-Semitic writings, I got over it. I even laugh when I read where he still believes that the United Nations is going to take over America. I thought that was over in the 90s. I also laughed when I read that he does get mail from white separatist in prison, but he is not a white separatist. Didn’t the first George Bush say “if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, it is a duck.” Larry Don Suckla’s views are just as laughable if they didn’t hurt our community so much.
Their decision to join a right wing organization that wants to rape our public Lands, is one example. These commissioners are free and easy with our tax money. They have no problem paying the people along the Dolores River the money they will owe them for taking away their development rights. They have no problem spending $1,000 to join an organization that just about every hunter, fisherman, hiker, boater, rock hunter or anyone who enjoys our amazing public lands is against. Our public lands are something that no other country has. Wonder why so many people from all over the United States come to Colorado, Wyoming, Montana to hunt, fish, climb, hike? Of course it could be managed better: Name one large industry that can’t use better management. Congress has for a long time not adequately funded the Forest Service or Park Service. That is not the agencies’ fault.
I want to see the commissioners do the job they were elected for: Work to improve our economy. Right wing views do not do that, they chase intelligent people away. Fix our roads, work to better educate our children. Leave dealing with the Forest Service to those we send to Washington. Since the commissioners spent our tax money on something the majority of people in Montezuma County do not want to happen, how about taking a $1,000 out their own pockets and donate it to our schools who can really use that money.
Larry Berger