We have closed out the 2014-2015! Thank you for all your involvement in your student's grades and athletics.
Enjoy your summer break. Staff will return on Aug. 5, and students will return Aug. 25. Please watch the newspapers and our school websites for opening day of online registration for the 2015-16 school year.
We will also have our school supply lists posted on our school websites in August.
Student schedules will be available to view through Power School on June 5.
Box Tops program continues
The Mancos PTA collects box tops throughout the year and would greatly appreciate your help. If you have some, please turn them in to your school secretary.
Math Boot camp
Mancos School District is excited to offer "Summer Math Boot Camp." This camp is open to any middle or high school student who would like to work on enhancing their math skills. We will provide intense, personalized instruction to help students boost their math knowledge.
Math Booth Camp will start May 26 and end June 5. It will go from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m.
For more information, please don't hesitate to contact Kalyn Boyer at (970) 769-0372 or kboyer@mancosre6.edu.
Alive @ 25
There will be another Alive @ 25 class on Aug. 3 at Mancos High School for students who will be 15½ years old by Aug. 3. This class will be free. Registration will open up close to August. Once registration has opened you may register your student online at: https://aliveat25.us/co/course-info?course_id=9293
Community events and information
Mancos Community Dinners are planned every second Sunday of each month.
Dinner starts at 5:30 p.m. at the Mt. Lookout Grange, 680 Grand Ave., in Mancos. Pay what you can. Main dishes will be provided.
Feel free to bring your ideas, a dish to share, your own plate, bowl, cup, silverware and musical instruments.
Teen Nights at the library
Teen Nights at the Mancos Public Library, every third Friday from 7 to 10 p.m. throughout the school year. Games on Wii, PS4, Xbox One and more. There will be snacks, too.
School to Farm
The school gardens of the Montezuma School to Farm Project would like to include more perennial plants for the benefit of the students and the pollinators alike. We encourage anyone dividing or trimming back their perennials (berries, herbs, shrubs, flowers with bulbs, etc) to contribute to the school gardens.
For more information, contact Megan Tallmadge at 882-5430.
- Tiffany Aspromonte