As a taxpaying citizen of Montezuma County I would like to know where the $1,000 our county commissioners donated to the American Lands Council came from. Was it their own money or was it ours?
If the commissioners had spent $1,000 of taxpayer money to buy a lifetime membership to the Sierra Club there would be riots in the streets. But, giving a grand to a group of traitors who promote selling our national forests to private interests (follow the money trail) seems to be acceptable to at least some of our citizens.
Anyone even vaguely familiar with this issue knows full well that the state of Colorado could never afford to maintain millions of acres of public lands and would therefore be compelled to sell them off.
So, are our county commissioners guilty of ignorance or treason? I would like at least one of these three politicians to man up and explain in this newspaper, whose money was spent.
I’m not holding my breath.
Tom Sykes