High suicide rate plagues La Plata County


High suicide rate plagues La Plata County

For middle-aged, white women rates high in state and locally
Charlotte Sieber hanged herself when she was 54.
Autumn Concepcion’s mother, Wendy Miller, pictured in rear, killed herself at age 59. Autumn said she was very close to her mother and continues to grieve.
The Animas River, in La Plata County, outside Durango.
Pamela Beckert died of an overdose in the Durango Walmart parking lot.
Seashells painted by Charlotte Sieber in Durango, Colorado. Her husband, Brad, said she was happiest at the beach.
Brad Sieber reminisces about his wife, Charlotte Sieber, at his home in Durango. Sieber has struggled to reconcile her death: “I’m a fixer. I fix things. But I couldn’t fix Charlotte.”

High suicide rate plagues La Plata County

Charlotte Sieber hanged herself when she was 54.
Autumn Concepcion’s mother, Wendy Miller, pictured in rear, killed herself at age 59. Autumn said she was very close to her mother and continues to grieve.
The Animas River, in La Plata County, outside Durango.
Pamela Beckert died of an overdose in the Durango Walmart parking lot.
Seashells painted by Charlotte Sieber in Durango, Colorado. Her husband, Brad, said she was happiest at the beach.
Brad Sieber reminisces about his wife, Charlotte Sieber, at his home in Durango. Sieber has struggled to reconcile her death: “I’m a fixer. I fix things. But I couldn’t fix Charlotte.”
For help

Help for people having suicidal thoughts or loved ones who fear a person is considering killing themselves can be found from these sources:
Axis Health Systems: 24-hour Hotline at 247-5245.
National Suicide Prevention Hotline: (800) 273-TALK (8255).
Crossroads Center: 403-0180.
Boys & Girls Club Hotline: (800) 448-3000.
Safe2Tell: (866) 542-7233.
Colorado Crisis Support Line: (844) 493-8255. The line has mental-health professionals available to talk to adults or youths about any crisis.