Rep. Scott Tipton was sent back to Washington, not because it’s better than having him here, but presumably to oppose all things Obama. Now, Scott Tipton has joined team Obama in the quest to take away our rights, guns, and jobs. Rep. Michele Bachmann warned us several years ago that Obama was using the census data to use to “round up Americans in FEMA/Obamacare death camps.” Now along comes Jade Helm 15, an exercise that soldiers are talking about anonymously all over the Internet as a practicing of rounding up Americans in FEMA camps (because of Bundy Ranch). Now we all know about the Internet, and Michele Bachmann, however if you email concerns to our congressman, you get a vague reply that never states what they are up to. But that’s just speculative, where Team Obama member Tipton has become a turncoat is the TPP.
The TPP isn’t about job destruction (NAFTA was quite effective at that), the TPP is about power and sovereignty. What the TPP does is establishes secret unelected tribunals that have the power to overrule national laws. For example, if a signing nation wants to make cigarette packs have a warning with a picture of a diseased lung on it RJ Reynolds can sue in TPP kangaroo court that is only bound by TPP. Same would go if Colorado wanted a warning label on fish for sushi being taken near Fukashima – or some future unknown perils. This trade agreement could even clear a path for the UN to come take our guns (we don’t know because it’s secret).
TPP is about as neoliberal as it gets, and Scott Tipton supporting the Obama agenda is a dangerous thing for Americans.
If you value our Constitution, write Tipton, and tell him to quit working for the big banks and to join Team Main Street America, not Team Wall Street/China.
Nels Werner Lopez