We read “One of the worst places to live?” in the July 10 issue of The Cortez Journal. We were amazed that anyone would rank Cortez among the worst cities in the state, since we consider it the best. But roadsnacks.net doesn’t seem to be an authority on quality of life in Colorado. According to their own website, the site’s content is written by “two guys in Durham, NC,” who “aim to deliver infotainment.” We don’t know if either guy has a degree in urban planning, or has even visited Cortez. We’re guessing no to both.
We agree with roadsnacks.net: The airport and Walmart are nice, but we don’t consider them the best that Cortez and the surrounding area have to offer. Our list would include Canyons of the Ancients, Goodman Point, Hovenweep, Mesa Verde, Ute Mountain Ute Tribal Park, and the Anasazi Cultural Center. The Ancestral Puebloans must have loved the area. We do too!
The roadsnacks.net article didn’t comment on the people of Cortez, but we will. We’ve always been impressed with the friendliness of the people we’ve met in Cortez. From City Market to County offices to local restaurants, everyone you meet greets you with a smile and a helpful attitude.
Alas, we do not currently live in Cortez. We live in Highlands Ranch, designated as the fourth best city by roadsnacks.net. Rest assured, we’ll be living in Cortez full time the moment circumstances allow. Just watch for the couple in the U-Haul, with the big smiles on their faces.
Eric and Barb Terrell
Highlands Ranch