Town plans moving water tank, repairing Central Avenue
Town board members discussed drainage problems with Mrs. Floyd about property below the Groundhog road where runoff comes across town from the hillside. The town and county will clean out the natural drain site.
Firemen's Fun Day to raise money for new fire truck
A miniature Barnum and Bailey slideshow affair is being planned by the Dolores Firemen in an attempt to raise money for a fire truck to replace the existing truck.
The event, which will be held Saturday, August 16, will feature kiddie games, Bingo, horseshoes, dime throw, waterfights, a fishing contest, bicycle races, basketball toss, and many others. The firemen are also planning a big beef barbeque which will be held Saturday evening with everyone invited to attend.
Local water users face more government rules and plans
Three public hearings of vital concern to all farmers and ranchers - and for that matter, all water users - of the San Juan Basin have been scheduled for August by the Colorado Water Quality Control Division of the Colorado Department of Health.
About people you know
Aaron Atkinson, son of Moss Atkinsons, accidently got his toe in the lawn mower a week ago Sunday while mowing the lawn. Although painful for a while it is doing ok now.
Mr. and Mrs. Pat North hosted a hamburger supper at their home Saturaday night following work on the Headstart House. Attending were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Costello and two boys, Mr. and Mrs. Larry Winans and three children, Jim and Helen Phillips and children, and Maria and Harold McDonald.
Nelson-McClellan Wed
The United Methodist Church of Alamosa, Colorado, was the scene of the wedding of Arnell Nelson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Nelson of Dolores, and Rory McClellan of Dolores,son of Virginia cooper of Rico and the late Max McClellan of Cortez.
Bill Mike and Mary Lee Moeny, cousins of the groom, were vocalists accompanied by Sure Vondy.
Get Acquainted Coffee
Mrs. Ann Hunter was guest of honor at a get acquainted coffee Wednesday morning. Hostess was Mrs. Darlene Brumley. Mrs. Hunter is the wife of the new Methodist minister in Dolores.
New Baby
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Butt of Red Mesa are the parents of a baby girl born Saturday, August 2 at Southwest Memorial Hospital. She has been named Katie Louise and weighed 7 lbs. 4 oz.
Maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Hill of Dolores. Paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Lamar Butt of Cortez. The Butts have three other children.
School board members warned of recall by upset parents
About 50 persons met with the discipline committee of the Dolores School District Monday night and after talking of discipline problems there for quite a while, the topic switched to problems of what to do in the way of facilities with tempers flaring at times and school board members coming under fire for possibly letting personal prejudices get in the way of being effective board members with the welfare of the school children uppermost in their actions.
Happy Birthday
Marge Norris, Charles Wimer, Dale Willbanks, Johnnie Ray Francisco, Dixie Ferrick, Radonna Branson, Mary Alice Green, Maxine Offutt, Mae Lisenbury, Raymie Brinkerhoff.