Durango Nature Studies will offer the training titled “Teaching Outside the Classroom: Using the School Yard as a Learning Laboratory for Kindergarten to Fifth-graders” from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday at the Durango Nature Center.
The cost is $40 for 0.5 continuing education credits and materials. This learning experience is for teachers working with students in grades kindergarten to fifth-grade in traditional or nontraditional settings. The training will allow teachers to take any topic and develop a lesson that can be done outside. The training will be taught by Durango Nature Studies’ Program Director John Duwe. Duwe has a master’s degree in environmental education and a teaching license.
To register, call Sally Shuffield at 769-1800, email sally@durangonaturestudies.org or visit www.durangonaturestudies.org/creditcard.htm.