New high school opens


New high school opens

The commons area fills up with students waiting for classes to begin.
Dick Fryover helps Zach Graves figure out where his classes are in the new high school.
Freshmen pick up their schedules and figure out where their classes are Wednesday morning on the first day of school at the new high school.
Social studies teacher Sara Broersma greets the first-period class on the first day of school Wednesday morning at the new Montezuma-Cortez High School.
Students enjoy the view of Sleeping Ute Mountain out one of the hallway windows before the start of school Wednesday.
Students file into the new high school on the first day of school Wednesday morning.
Montezuma-Cortez High School assistant principal Chris Kelley welcomes students to the first day of classes at the new schoolhouse on Wednesday.
M-CHS Students meet with friends in the commons area at the new high school Wednesday morning before classes start on the first day of school.

New high school opens

The commons area fills up with students waiting for classes to begin.
Dick Fryover helps Zach Graves figure out where his classes are in the new high school.
Freshmen pick up their schedules and figure out where their classes are Wednesday morning on the first day of school at the new high school.
Social studies teacher Sara Broersma greets the first-period class on the first day of school Wednesday morning at the new Montezuma-Cortez High School.
Students enjoy the view of Sleeping Ute Mountain out one of the hallway windows before the start of school Wednesday.
Students file into the new high school on the first day of school Wednesday morning.
Montezuma-Cortez High School assistant principal Chris Kelley welcomes students to the first day of classes at the new schoolhouse on Wednesday.
M-CHS Students meet with friends in the commons area at the new high school Wednesday morning before classes start on the first day of school.