I attended Scott Tipton’s town hall meeting Aug. 18 hoping to get some honest answers to several questions I have about recent government actions or I should say lack of action.
My first question was why did the GOP jump into bed with Obama when they returned to D.C. after last years election.
His answer was no answer at all, just a statement he understands our frustration. Next question, Congress has the power of the purse, why don’t they use it. Again, no answer.
I am a Vietnam veteran and among other veterans present I asked why the Veterans Administration cannot be replaced by a decent universal health policy for all honorably discharged veterans. Again, no answer.
It appears to me that Scott has become a captive to special interests in D.C. and needs to be retired. Next year he completes six years in office and should retire to a new career in lobbying and millions of dollars in income. I have always believed that six years should be the maximum term for any elective federal office. Any time beyond six years and they all succumb to the establishment.
I was a long-time registered Republican until four years ago when I changed to unaffiliated due to the Republicans’ refusal to keep any of their campaign promises. Republicans are very good at one thing, making excuses to not do anything to solve problems.
They are also very good at kicking cans down the road. Some recent flip-clops are funding amnesty for illegal aliens, failure to fund Obamacare and it now appears that they will fund the abortion outfit “Planned Parenthood,” which specializes in selling body parts obtained from aborted fetuses.
The GOP was formed in 1850s from the wreckage of the Whig party and I predict if they continue to lie and not keep their word to the American people they will disappear into the dust bin of history and they deserve to disappear.
William H. Taylor