Twitter and Facebook litter and waste our reason to extinction. Go ahead. Google it. Find out what you already know about climate change.
We may as well be driving off a cliff, no seatbelts, and texting while blindfolded as your kids cook meth and play with loaded guns in the back seat.
That scenario would be far safer than what every single one of us is doing to our planet right now. Too green? I agree that if people think recycling tin cans and using reusable grocery bags is going to turn things around, they’re as dumb and short-sighted as climate change deniers. Listen: We can change. For those who care, watch “Pandora’s Promise.” Much like me, it makes everyone mad equally. The message? There is work to do. The human race has been fruitful. We multiplied. We have dominion over the earth.
Now how about ushering in that bright future?
Forgo eschew abjure and refrain from social media for an hour and 26 six minutes and watch “Pandora’s Promise.”
Let me subtly understate in summary: We are all going to die.
The planet is being decimated by our species and pictures of ravens picking at bones of emaciated polar bears doesn’t make me bat an eyelash We will either choose a solution together, or sink this planet as one. Kumbaya and namaste. Still not there? Lumberjacks, hippies, rednecks and rainbow-gatherings: gone. No more beer! The seeds have been sown. It is happening now.
There is, of course, the nuclear option (power, not bombs). Please watch “Pandora’s Promise.” God Bless America.
Richard M. Feit