Montezuma County’s Board of County Commissioners just rejected the chance to help guide development of oil and gas resources on federal government lands in the county. They claim the oil and gas industry is already too regulated. The commissioners’ decision could hurt tourism and damage our economy. The commissioners are refusing to participate in the development of a local master leasing plan by the Bureau of Land Management. The MLP covers 300,000 acres of federal lands in Montezuma and La Plata counties. With guidance from the MLP, the BLM will decide where oil and gas leasing of federal resources is allowed in the two counties. Future BLM oil and gas leasing could result in drilling operations near federal lands like Mesa Verde National Park and Canyon of the Ancients National Monument.
County residents have a vital stake in how these operations take place. Tourists who come to visit Mesa Verde spend their money in our local hotels and shops. Retired people move here because they love recreation opportunities on federal public lands. Unmanaged oil and gas operations could discourage tourism and damage the county’s business environment. The proposed MLP process will help develop standards for local road use, light, air, water, and noise pollution. County government, landowners, business people, and citizens will provide input to the BLM for creation of the MLP. The point is not to stop oil and gas activity in Montezuma County but to help protect the rest of the local economy. If the commissioners won’t participate in the MLP process, I hope the BLM will invite county citizens to sit at the table. Many local people and businesses will want to work with our local, state, and federal partners to ensure that our oil and gas resources are developed in a responsible way.
Chris Eastin