We have been hearing more and more lately about the proposed master leasing plan for Southwest Colorado. As residents of Cedar Mesa Ranches, we are very concerned about the possibility of oil and gas development so close to our families’ homes and the crown jewel of our region, Mesa Verde National Park. It’s clear that we need to take a balanced approach when it comes to future oil and gas development, and that there should be a role for citizens in the process. How will we address increased traffic and noise from industrial development? How will drilling affect the quality of life and property values for those that live in the future industrial zone? How will we address impacts to our air and water resources? Right now these issues are not being adequately addressed, but could be through the Master Leasing Plan. As it stands, there is much land open for oil and gas development in Southwest Colorado, and much land that’s BLM’s mineral estate. The need for some balance is strikingly evident.
We are happy that the BLM is starting the process of creating a master leasing plan. It’s so important to ensure that when energy development does occur, it occurs the right way and in the right place. We are disappointed that our local elected officials at the Montezuma County commission are in such conditional opposition to an MLP, given how much we stand to gain as a community from engaging in the planning process. Their view is short-sighted and, frankly, it short-changes the people of this community who care deeply about the future of Montezuma County. We are thankful that our voices and those of our neighbors will be able to be heard when it comes to energy development, with or without support from our commissioners, and we fully welcome a master leasing plan for our corner of the state. An MLP is the balanced approach we need.
Stan Mattingly, Bob Sanders, Bill Hart and Janet Huffman