In the Nov. 13 Journal, William Taylor wrote a letter to the editor titled, “Congress, White House need overhaul.” The letter states that on Oct. 26, “the GOP in the House approved a budget that will not do anything about the debt and spends even more money that the country cannot afford.”
Taylor wrote that Rep. Scott Tipton, R-Cortez, voted yes on the approval of the budget. I respectfully ask Taylor to check his facts. The Oct. 29 Durango Herald reported that Rep. Tipton was one of the 167 Republicans to vote against the measure and called it “a bad deal that I cannot support.”
I did check the Congressional Record as suggested by Taylor. Rep. Tipton was listed as a “nay” vote, which confirms that he did not vote yes for the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2015.
I had the opportunity to speak personally with Rep. Tipton. He affirmed that he voted against this act because he feels that it supports Washington’s spending addiction which is a course that cannot be sustained.
Thank you for correcting any misunderstandings regarding Rep. Tipton’s voting records.
Victor J. Bruce