Good finance
The financial condition of Montezuma county is the best in sever years, according to information given the Star by county clerk Chas Reid. All certificates of indebtedness have been called in and most of the registered warrants taken care of. With the exception of the road fund, there is no indebtedness against the county. Record breaking tax collections are given as the reason. During the last few weeks of 1935 and until recently money has been pouring into the county treasurers office at a surprising rate. The removal of interest and penalties on old tax accounts and the auto tax law helped materially.
No free seeds
For 13 years the federal department of agriculture has been trying to convince 100 million people that it has no free seeds or plants. The flow of “free seed” letters is beginning again, says a department report to the Colorado state college extension service. Previous to 1923 there was an annual appropriation for free seeds for congressional distribution.
Airport to be built
An airport at Alamosa, to cost $48,811, and to be developed with WP funds, was approved this week by the U.S. department of commerce at Washington.