Have we seen the end of El Niño?


Have we seen the end of El Niño?

Recent dry weather pattern contradicts early season forecast for wet winter
March’s dry weather and warm temperatures have made for busy days on the Animas River Trail. Because of a strong El Niño pattern in the Pacific Ocean, weather forecasters predicted a wetter-than-average winter for the Four Corners. But the region’s last significant winter storm was in early February, and current snowpack totals are below average.
Kat Blackwell, front, Cait Callahan, left, and Beth Reynolds, play in Buckley Park during a warm March day. Dry conditions are expected to persist in the near future, but a longer-range National Weather Service forecast predicts above average over the next one to three months.

Have we seen the end of El Niño?

March’s dry weather and warm temperatures have made for busy days on the Animas River Trail. Because of a strong El Niño pattern in the Pacific Ocean, weather forecasters predicted a wetter-than-average winter for the Four Corners. But the region’s last significant winter storm was in early February, and current snowpack totals are below average.
Kat Blackwell, front, Cait Callahan, left, and Beth Reynolds, play in Buckley Park during a warm March day. Dry conditions are expected to persist in the near future, but a longer-range National Weather Service forecast predicts above average over the next one to three months.