Who is really funding U.S. Rep. Scott Tipton, R-Cortez? His No. 1 donor is listed as Bancroft Investments. If you Google the company you will find very little except it is a private equity fund located in Vienna, Austria, with an “office” in Aspen. The problem is the address given for the Aspen “office” as 235 Buchanan Drive in Aspen is not an office at all, it is a huge residential mansion (don’t believe me, look it up yourself). If you try to search who owns this house through public records you will find there aren’t any.
If Tipton is taking money from foreigners who have a pretend “office” to seem American this should be a big red flag to any voter, and the election finance authorities. Perhaps the Journal could investigate this mysterious “Bancroft Investments” and its “office” in the mansion in Aspen.
Luckily we now have a choice. Alex Beinstein is a real conservative who is running against Tipton in the primary this summer. Alex believes that we need to cut ties with terrorist sponsors and ISIS funding state Saudi Arabia (and he is right), he is against the Trans-Pacific Partnership, which at the least will send millions of American jobs to China and Mexico, and at worst will result in the repeal of the 2nd Amendment (Tipton supports Obamatrade).
“Eventually, the right thing has to prevail,” Alex Beinstein said. “There’s something in the Scriptures that says you can serve God and you can serve money, but you can’t serve both masters at the same time.”
And he is right.
Nels W Lopez