I read with amazement and growing irritation the letter written by Cheryl Bessett of Thornton, who accused our middle school students of terrible behavior when they visited Cabela’s on April 22. I am angry with the letter this misguided woman wrote because I was in that store at the time of the alleged incidents. In fact I was in the area where this woman was working. The terrible behavior simply did not occur.
Ms. Bessett did contact a bus driver and made generalized accusations, but refused to contact the lead teacher and would not name specific incidents which involved any students. After being in the store about 40 minutes we left wondering what her problem was about. After I read the complaint letter I called the store manager and faxed him a copy of the letter in question. As I expected he reviewed the video tapes and he assured me the kids had not exhibited any abnormal behavior except that a display had been moved and a couple of kids were observed hurrying through the store. I told him I was very unhappy with the letter and felt it was extremely caustic and completely unnecessary. I assured him Ms. Bessett had insulted the entire Cortez Montezuma School District and was dismayed that the letter was written on behalf of Cabela’s. He assured me the letter was written without his knowledge and it certainly did not reflect the attitude of the Cabela’s corporation towards young adults. He said he had discussed the incident with Ms. Bessett but could not reveal any details.
I recommended he require her to ride a school bus filled with middle school kids on Friday afternoon as an immersion treatment.
C.T. ”Butch” Wilson