I would prefer to ask these questions in person, but at the moment I am a full time caregiver to a person with acute health problems. Our commissioners are as easy to see through as glass. Like a kaleidoscope they show many colors. I see none that are very bright.
My question as to their latest rant: Is it more important to have an election when there are no candidates or to have a state-of-the-art mosquito control district to keep the masses from scratching their bites and being concerned about the many diseases borne by a little refugee from Noah’s Ark? Many people are even allergic to its bite, to say nothing of other problems. I say hats off to the members of the mosquito district for being able to keep a problem from getting out of hand. Instead of complicating the problem, our elected officials should be requesting more money from whomever to keep us from scratching a controllable itch.
I am taken aback as to why more people aren’t concerned about this latest ignorant spectacle from our elected. Shouldn’t they be more concerned about the health of the county than this childish power struggle? Elected officials are the servants, not the proprietors of the people.
Galen Larson