The hydraulic fracturing process releases significant amounts of methane that are leaked into the atmosphere during production, storage, processing, distribution and transportation of natural gas. Some companies flare (burn) or vent (release) this methane during production.
The Environmental Protection Agency’s rules will help protect our lungs, especially the lungs of our children who breathe in more deeply airborne toxins.
The new rules will curb emissions of smog-forming pollutants that we see in Cortez as haze, some from non-regulated drilling in New Mexico. Air pollution knows no borders.
Methane pollution specifically contributes to smog which causes asthma attacks and other respiratory problems, permanent lung damage, and in extreme cases premature death. Smog from oil and gas production also spoils views on public lands and makes outdoor recreation less enjoyable while harming our health.
We are dependent on tourism for our economy. The EPA is doing its job to protect public health by reducing methane emissions from oil and gas production.
Phyllis Mains