GOP candidates differ over student testing in race for state board


GOP candidates differ over student testing in race for state board

Rankin, Stapleton aim to take on Democrat

GOP candidates differ over student testing in race for state board

Joyce Rankin

AGE: 68
RESIDENCE: Carbondale
EDUCATION: Bachelor’s degree in elementary education from Michigan State University; night school to receive master’s degree in administrative services credential
POLITICAL BACKGROUND: Member of state Board of Education from 3rd Congressional District
OCCUPATION: Aide to her husband, state Rep. Bob Rankin, R-Carbondale; former teacher and principal
FAMILY: Husband, Bob
TOP ISSUE: “My job should represent excellence in education, and value for the taxpayers. We can do better.”
ON FINDING A NEW COMMISSIONER: “We selected a new commissioner, and now we’re doing it again. That’s a real concern of mine. I want one with a vision.”
ON COMMON CORE: “Common Core is a federal issue, legislation would have to be passed, but as far as federal control goes, we’re a local-control state, and I support that.”
ON STUDENT ASSESSMENTS: “They’re very important in mapping accountability ... But it’s better to monitor this every step of the way, than at the end of the year having a test, and then you don’t get the results back until the next year.”
ON CHARTER SCHOOLS: “Some people don’t think of them as public schools because they’re called ‘charter,’ but they are public schools in our school system, and I think they should be treated equally.”
ON ATTRACTING RURAL TEACHERS: “It’s a crisis situation. When I get out into my district, I hear that a lot.”
ON MEDICAL MARIJUANA IN SCHOOLS: “It would be like a medicine that was given by the school nurse. It’s not just that the kid could have it in his back pocket.”
ON GUNS IN SCHOOLS: “Different districts have different concerns over that. Here in rural Colorado, it’s not uncommon for us to have meetings where people come with guns on their hips, and no one thinks about it, but in Denver, you can’t do that.”

Anita Stapleton

AGE: 49
EDUCATION: EMT certificate from the then-University of Southern Colorado; associate degree in nursing from Pueblo Community College.
POLITICAL BACKGROUND: Grass-roots conservative advocacy; assisted with recalling Democratic state senators who supported gun control.
OCCUPATION: Registered nurse.
FAMILY: Husband, Michael; three children
TOP ISSUE: “We are already seeing negative things coming out of the (Every) Student Succeeds Act; digital blended learning is empowering bigger government and more control over our schools.”
ON FINDING A NEW COMMISSIONER: “I am looking for integrity, transparency and fiscal responsibility, someone who would entertain trimming the bureaucratic excess at the CDE, and most important, someone who understands our unique state constitution.”
ON COMMON CORE: “Common Core came around, and I started really paying attention. I saw changes in our schools ... The more research I did, I was alarmed.”
ON STUDENT ASSESSMENTS: “They sell it as a bag of goods, that we need to be competitive ... But the government, the federal government, doesn’t care about how successful your student is in the competitive work world.”
ON CHARTER SCHOOLS: “Charter schools need to be vetted. I do not believe in just granting them their status to open up ... I do not believe in turning my back on public schools.”
ON ATTRACTING RURAL TEACHERS: “Hold firm to your traditional values ... That’s what’s going to attract teachers back into rural areas.”
ON MEDICAL MARIJUANA IN SCHOOLS: “Up until I joined hospice, I was very anti-cannabis, and as I’ve been working in hospice ... I’ve seen how cannabis is beneficial.”
ON GUNS IN SCHOOLS: “Absolutely” supports allowing teachers to carry.