Next week is one of my favorites of the year! It’s Montezuma County Fair week, and with the fair comes the annual Flower Show.
It’s easy to get involved.
The rules are simple. All flowers must be grown by the exhibitor. Know the schedule and select the correct number of blooms, stems or sprays for each entry. Exhibitors may only have one entry in each class. If you are in doubt, select multiple flowers or sprays and make your final choice once you arrive at the fairgrounds. Mesa Verde Gardeners are happy to help.
Pick flowers the they are ¾ open so they will be open and show well for the show. For branches, choose specimens that have many flowers in various stages such as bud, partially open and fully open. All plant material must be free of disease or pests.
It’s easy to prepare your flowers to take to the show. Flowers are best cut at sundown the day before or early in the morning the day of entry. This allows them to have a full day’s food reserve and they should lose less water. In the morning, try to cut them before any dew has evaporated or it’s hot.
Using a sharp instrument, cut the stem at an angle and take care not to crush it. Cut it as long as possible because this will give you plenty to trim later. Get your cuts into warm water immediately by taking a container of water to the garden with you. Preserve their freshness by cooling your selections in the refrigerator for three to 12 hours before bringing to the fair. Don’t store them near fresh fruit or vegetables, which can release ethylene gas that can harm the flowers. Remove all leaves that will be below the water line in the container.
If your class calls for multiple blooms, make sure they match as closely as possible. A “spray” is defined as “a single main stem with blooms or florets borne on lateral branches led by a terminal bloom, which blooms first.” Think about a marigold and you will have a clear picture of this.
You’ll also need to groom your entries before taking them in. Remove any side buds or leaves that could be in the water. Clean up yellow leaves and drooping flowers, and remove dirt, insects, and any other foreign matter using a soft cloth, brush or cotton swab. Don’t apply polish, oil or other enhancements.
Four- and 9-inch bud vases and water are provided by the Mesa Verde Garden Club. If your entry is larger or needs more support, bring your own vase. Put your name on the bottom with masking tape or a marker.
Transport your entries in one of several ways. Soda bottle cases work well because they’re divided, and you can put bud vases into each section. Beer cartons work too. If you don’t have these, use a box and pack styrofoam peanuts or crinkled newpaper around your vases.
If you like to arrange flowers, there is also a Floral Design Show included in the Flower Show. Pre-register, and call Dayna Herrick at 570-9048 for more information.
Fair entries will be taken this year on Wednesday, Aug. 3, from 3-8 p.m. Once you arrive you can fill out your entry tickets and the Garden Club ladies are on hand to help you with the department, class, etc.
Participating in the fair is a fun way to support your community. The Flower Show is often one of the busiest and prettiest spots. Ribbons and gift certificate prizes are awarded as well.
For more information, call Mary Ann Brunner at 970-565-9158 or 928-606-0904.