I was a big supporter of Bernie Sanders. After Clinton was installed as the Democratic nominee, in what historians are likely to remember as a deeply flawed and unfair primary, I looked for ways to pursue Bernie’s revolution. Like a majority of Americans I feel the two party system has failed us miserably.
I found the Green Party. Jill Stein, the green party candidate for president, has visionary policies on all the major issue of our time. Stein’s “Green New Deal” aims to stop climate change and create 20 million jobs building a healthy and sustainable economy based on clean energy. She want to end the oil wars, cut military spending and with the savings make higher education free and provide Medicare for all. Stein wants to protect voter rights and fix the rigged election system.
Most important, a vote for the Green Party is no wasted protest vote. If Stein wins just 5 percent of the vote nationwide the Green Party gets federal funding and ballot access and we get a much healthier democracy.
In the end that is what its all about. Will we have an alternative to the failed two parties or remain prisoner to a system that is threatening our livelihoods, our planet and our democracy
Richard Moser